Something brought you to our site. Let's assume it's an interest in common. Here's an opportunity to get connected - for free and with no gimmicks. If your site is rated general audience you're welcome to link up with us - link for link. You show our link we'll show yours! No banners, no pop-ups or other annoyances - just a simple link for link exchange. It's that simple.
This way we both increase our website popularity rating, and search engine ranking.
Simply cut the following href and paste it into your html code where we can find it. Send us an e-mail containing your HTML href code and we'll reciprocate. You'll get verification from us within 48 hours! Of course we reserve the right to decline in the event of inappropriate content.
For our privacy assurances, see our privacy statement.
Sound fair?
Then let's do it!
Here's our HTML code:
Simply cut the code inside the box and paste it into your web page HTML.