Here's your cup of tea!


Everyone receives messages from the great storehouse of their potential within, which we often refer to as the subconscious - like dreams, or sensory mental imagary during meditative moments, and intuitive thoughts.

Yet, how often do you understand those messages?

Most of the time it probably makes as much sense as - well, the leaves in your teacup - unless, you have learned the art of recognizing and understanding sensory mental imagery.

ReadmyLeaves is your opportunity to learn and practice that art!

Everyone will see a different image, experience different feelings and interpret a different message from their cup of tealeaves. You have in front of you a message meant just for you. Remember, this is just for fun and general experience.

The following is a guide to help you make the most of the message.


1. Relax, look at the tea leaves - soon you will see a figure or figures begin to emerge.

2. Identify the figure(s) - an image might be of a person, an animal, an object of any kind, or any two or three of these.


  3. Name the figure(s). A short example is provided to help you follow along - only as a suggestion: I see a young girl and a kitten.  


  4. Describe something about the figure(s). Example: The girl is about 5 or 6 years old.  


  5. What is happening in the picture? Example: The girl is playing with the kitten.  


  6. Where is this occurring? What sort of environment is it? Example: She is at her friend's. They live in the country.  


  7. What does the image remind you of? Example: This reminds me of the little girl I saw on TV yesterday.  


  8. What are the characteristics you associate with the image that remind you of that person or situation? Example: She has such a trusting nature; she freely expresses herself; the simplest things give her pleasure.  


  9. What is the feeling, or what do you get a sense of from the picture? Example: I have a sense of innocence and feel the delight of the child playing with the kitten.  


  10. In what way do you relate to the figure(s)? Example: When I was a young girl we often had kittens in our home. My sisters and I would tie paper to one end of a string and entice the kitten to try and catch it. We had fun, playing together this way.  


  11. In what way might this situation, or memory it evokes, apply to your life now? Example: One of my sisters recently suggested that we have a sister's reunion, just get together and have a good time.  


  12. How do you currently feel about this aspect of your life? Example: I have mixed feelings about the idea of getting together with my sisters. Sometimes we get along just great, and other times not so great.  


  13. Do you have any additional, perhaps intuitive, thoughts about the figure(s)? Example: The young girl represents part of myself, the time when my sisters and I were growing up together.  


  14. How would you sum up the meanings, feelings and intuitive thoughts that have come to you as you answered these questions? Example: As I think about the young girl playing with the kitten, I remember how my sisters and I had great fun playing with all our different kittens over the years. The times we enjoyed one another's company. I realize I have a desire to re-experience the warmth of our relationship when we were young. How glad I am to have sisters, our time growing up together. And let them know that I care about them.  




You have just completed an exercise with an image comprised of tea leaf-like markings. Congratulations!


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