
Module 1 - Change 101

Ask yourself - 'How has my life changed recently?'
Is it in the direction you wanted to go? Or not?
Perhaps we can help you gain the focus you need. Order our book SubContact: Slap the face of fear and Wake up your subconscious or contact us for further information.

Change 101

Change is synonymous with fear.

We often struggle to avoid change. Some people go to great length, including death, to avoid dealing with some kinds of change, and all because of unidentified fear.

Why, then, are we so outwardly willing to make changes in our lives? If change is so fearsome, why do we court it? The answer is that most of us, much of the time, pay lip service to change. We promise ourselves, I'm going to get better at this or I'm never going to do that again. And yet, good intentions notwithstanding, we fail. We overlook the fact that we're dealing with that awesome force UNIDENTIFIED FEAR! Meet UF, the Tragic Dragon, the inseparable companion to change.

When we learn to know ourselves better, fear can be our great ally. With self-understanding and preparation, we can learn how to act with courage. Lasting change can only occur when our conscious and subconscious minds are in agreement about change. Period.

If you've had trouble making changes in your life, there are certain things you can do differently to achieve and keep success. The most important one is to ensure that you are of one mind - consciously and subconsciously congruent - on what the change is to be. If subliminal or unidentified Fear is present when making changes, use our techniques to identify and understand it.

Have you ever been baffled by your own failure to make a desired change in your life? Perhaps you underestimated the power of subliminal fear. Because many changes occur in one's life, it is important to get a grip on these Unidentified Fears. You will then be able to make choices that bring you lasting satisfaction.

Our book offers a simple, yet effective, tool for recognizing when UF, the Tragic Dragon, keeps you from having new worthwhile experiences and making ecological change.

Excerpts from our book:

'Self-understanding is essential to any physcial,
mental or spiritual quest.'

'Change follows a pattern,
passing through various stages.'

'Fear is the motivating factor, often subtly,
that misdirects our behavior.'

    Learn how to
  • know subliminal FEAR and
  • achieve your GOALS
  • with our modular program Subcontact.

SubContact: Slap the face of fear and Wake up your subconscious contains all of the information you need to master CHANGE 101, plus 5 other modules to enhance your life.
Available from Trafford Publishing

Contact dautcom communications for:

  • seminars / guest speaking
  • workshops - learn to use your most valuable resource - your subconscious!
  • change consulting
  • personal SubContact Sessions

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