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SubContact Module 3
Dream Language

An exploration of the subconscious, and the explanation of SubContact, would be incomplete without reference to dream material.

'We dream to remember our purpose in this life.'   
'A dream is the one occasion when our subconscious
 can finally get a word in edgewise.'
                         ... from SubContact

For most people, understanding material from their subconscious, such as dreams, remains obscure. Now with the use of 4 easy-to-grasp elements you can learn to unravel the mystery of your subconscious contact, whether from a dream, power meditation or SubContact!

The Ecological Nature of material from your subconscious dictates that your subconscious nearly always has your best interest at heart. A dream is about as personal as any message can get. Approach with healthy caution that a " dream dictionary " or other universal formula intended for the general population can apply to your intimate inner meanings. At best, general guides for understanding dreams are just that, a very broad approach, and may not apply to YOU!

To learn more about YOUR OWN PERSONAL dream language see our book SubContact: Slap the face of fear and Wake up your subconscious . Available at Trafford Publishing

An Exercise in Understanding Dream Language

If you've recently had a dream that you feel is important, take advantage of a personal consultation. This one-time special offer costs you only your time and effort. Try it - you can only gain - understanding your dream! your self!

Remember - the importance and relevance of dreams decreases with time. The dream may begin to fade in your memory and the opportunity to seize the moment may diminish. A dream is a current snapshot of what your subconscious considers important for you to know! The best time to apprehend the meaning of a dream is right after you've had it.

We have designed a set of prompts to extract the important components of your dream. Fill them in, then send it to us.

We will get back to you as soon as we can, depending upon volume, with personalized insights, suggestions and recommendations.


Remember, interpreting dreams can be a highly subjective procedure. No major decisions, personal or financial, should be based on your, or our, interpretation of this dream. Challenge House International Learning Centres, or any persons related to it, has any responsibility for decisions you might make as a result of this dream interpretation. There are no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied.

The following persons are discouraged from participating in this psychological exercise: minors; those who: regularly use psychoactive medication; are undergoing psychotherapy treatment; have unstable living arrangements; abuse substances such as drugs or alcohol; have been diagnosed as having bi-polar or psychotic disorder. If in doubt, check with your doctor.

GO TO Dream Consultation for your personal interpretation.


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